Time |
Session |
Panelists |
Sunday, 23 March 2025 |
(*=moderator) |
17:30 — 19:30 |
Welcome Reception |
Monday, 24 March 2025 |
7:30 — 8:30 |
8:30 — 8:45 |
Welcome and Announcements |
8:45 — 10:00 |
[Session 01] The Unified Patent Court - Where It Is, and Where It's Going |
With nearly two years of operation, the UPC is now a fixture in European patent law. Our distinguished panel of jurists will discuss the successes of the UPC, and possible areas for improvement after its months of operation. Another topic of discussion will be the interplay between proceedings before the EPO’s Opposition Divisions or Boards of Appeal and revocation actions at the UPC or national courts. Our panel will also discuss their initial UPC experiences, case management considerations and interim conferences. |
Hon. Blok, Hon. Butin, Hon. Kalden, Müller-Stoy*, Pors |
10:00 — 11:00 |
[Session 02] Litigation Funding in Intellectual Property Cases |
For litigation across Europe or the United States, parties must consider the mechanics of funding arrangements; the impact of litigation funding on cases and possible resolutions; sources of litigation funding; and defensive litigation funding. This distinguished panel of experts from Europe and the US will discuss these topics and other aspects of litigation funding for IP matters in their respective jurisdictions. |
Hon. Blok, Hon. Connolly, Fetches, Gill, Hadzimehmedovic*, Selwyn, Widera |
11:00 — 11:15 |
Morning Break |
11:15 — 12:15 |
[Session 03] International Trade Secret Litigation |
At its Annual Meeting in September 2024, The Sedona Working Group 12 on Trade Secrets decided to create a brainstorming group to address international trade secret enforcement and protection. At this Global IP Conference, members of that brainstorming group and others will discuss the status of their work and the sub-topics they plan to address. This panel will also solicit views from the audience about these sub-topics and other sub-topics the audience would like the brainstorming group to consider. This panel will finally provide an update on recent developments in international trade secret litigation. |
Almeling*, Cerulli Irelli, Hon. Cheney, Gerardi, McPherson, Pade, Pardue, Saeedi |
12:15 — 13:15 |
[Session 04] Biotech and Pharma Patent Litigation: A Global Perspective |
This panel of experienced practitioners and jurists from Europe and the US will address important issues confronting the Biotech and Pharma landscape. Some of those topics include:
- Pharma and life sciences patent forum selection
- European issues including forum shopping post UPC
- US venue developments
- Term Extension Developments
- European SPC litigation and SPC reform
- PTE, PTA and obviousness-type double patenting in the US
- Hatch Waxman ANDA litigation vs EU ‘Bolar exemption’
- Data and market exclusivity and generic patent revocation to ‘clear the way’
- Patent thickets and related issues in the US
- Reform of EU ‘Bolar exemption’ under EU pharma package
- Impact of AI, digital health and TechBio on the life sciences patent regime
Hon. Brinkman, Métier*, SanMartin, Whitaker, Wu |
13:15 — 14:15 |
Lunch (provided) |
14:15 — 15:30 |
[Session 05] Standard Essential Patents and F/RAND: Latest Global Developments |
The assertion and valuation of standard-essential patents, and the determination of a fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (F/RAND) royalty rate, continue to attract attention worldwide. Our panel of industry leaders and jurists will address the latest developments, including the status of the “anti-suit injunction” and its variants, the latest pronouncements on F/RAND, and legislative and regulatory initiatives surrounding SEPs, F/RAND, and enforcement. The panel will also discuss the status of the Sedona commentary on the Global F/RAND topic. |
Augenstein, Delgado*, Geiszler, Hon. Mellor, Meyer, Trenton |
15:30 — 15:45 |
Afternoon Break |
15:45 — 16:45 |
[Session 06] Judicial Panel Part 1 |
This panel comprised of judges with varied Unified Patent Court and United States Federal Court experience will provide insights based on their respective roles on issues impacting intellectual property litigation. |
Hon. Albright, Hon. Brinkman, Hon. Connolly, Hon. Kalden, Hon. Klepsch, Hon. Kupecz, Powers* |
17:00 — 19:00 |
Reception (guests invited) |
Tuesday, 25 March 2025 |
7:30 — 8:30 |
8:30 — 9:30 |
[Session 07] Roundtable Discussion with Patent Office Leaders |
This panel of experts with expensive patent office management expertise from different jurisdictions will discuss the important issues confronting intellectual property offices today, the successes achieved in global IP cooperation and harmonization and areas of opportunity for progress in the future. |
Rowan, Vidal*, Williams |
9:30 — 10:30 |
[Session 08] Cross-Border Injunctions - What are the limits? |
Patent litigation is global in scope, and the question of how far one jurisdiction’s reach extends raises complex and thorny issues for patent litigants. When a court imposes an injunction order against further infringement, resolution of those issues can be critical to a company’s ability to continue to operate. This panel of distinguished jurists and patent practitioners from across the globe will explore these issues, including discussion of recent injunction orders from different courts and the impact of those orders. The panel will also consider the influx of anti-suit injunction actions and how courts and practitioners are grappling with them. |
Bremer, Dreiser, Earle, Hon. Klepsch, Hon. Kokke, Vary*, Whitaker |
10:30 — 10:45 |
Morning Break |
10:45 — 11:30 |
[Session 09] Monetary Damages Awards - Updates Around the Globe |
Patent litigation has truly gone global, and the question of how to assess damages for infringement continues to be a vexing one for courts. This panel of distinguished jurists, economic experts, and industry leaders will discuss the latest developments. |
Hon. Albright, Bone, Ferguson*, Huang, Müller, Rodrigues |
11:30 — 12:45 |
[Session 10] Judicial Panel Part II |
This session will present a wide range of judicial perspectives on emerging intellectual property trends, litigation best practices and pitfalls, and recent case law. This esteemed panel will discuss hot topics in IP law as well. |
Hon. Blok, Hon. Cheney, Hon. Kokke, Groombridge*, Hon. Mellor |
12:45 — 13:00 |
Closing Remarks and Grab-&-Go Lunch |