The Sedona Conference® Webinar on Patent Litigation Best Practices: A Matter for Congress or for Bench and Bar?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Time:      1:00 to 2:30 pm EST

The Sedona Conference® Webinar on Patent Litigation Best Practices:
A Matter for Congress or for Bench and Bar?

An all-star panel of leading corporate practitioners and judges will discuss proposed legislation that comes on the heels of the America Invents Act (AIA) and a Patent Pilot Program launched two years ago as part of the AIA’s reform of U.S. patent law. The Pilot Program was designed as a 10-year project to provide objective data on whether changes are needed in the way the courts resolve patent disputes—given their unique technical and procedural complexities—and to develop recommendations for what those changes should be, based on actual experience.

Congress currently has several pending bills that propose significant changes in patent litigation procedures. These bills involve early claim construction, staying fact discovery until after claim construction, cost and fee shifting, heightened pleading standards, mandatory sanctions under Rule 11, and managing parallel proceedings between the federal courts and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Topics covered in the webinar include:

Pending legislative bills and their likely impact, intended or otherwise, on the quality and efficiency of patent litigation, and the enforceability of intellectual property rights;
The effect these bills would have on the level of discretion federal judges could exercise in managing patent cases; and
Whether the legislative concerns underlying these bills can be addressed by the Patent Pilot Program and the development of patent litigation best practices by those in the field.

The panel will take your questions by text and telephone during the program.

You can view system requirements here.